Please join me in welcoming Michael Chulsky and his debut novel, The Descending Darkness, to my blog. Michael is a true inspiration to young word-slingers to be. He began writing The Descending Darkness at the tender age of sixteen and now, at age twenty-one, is a published author.

Shadow’s mission: save the world and ensure his entire team survives the potential apocalypse. If MAEDARA, self-proclaimed fashionista and Queen of Evil, wasn’t trying to rule the world, it’d be cake. Now, not only does Shadow have to deal with teens more concerned with going to the mall than fighting evil, but also a villain who, in his opinion, makes Lady Gaga look like Mother Theresa.
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I pestered Michael with a few questions and he took the time to answer them.
Cody: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Michael: I’m twenty-one years old. I’m heavily invested in the love lives of fictional characters, I love cheesecake with the fiery hot intensity of a thousand suns, and writing completely dominates my life.Cody: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Cody: What inspires your writing?
Michael: Everyday life. I can find inspiration in everything.
Cody: Are you a full time author?
Michael: I am very fortunate to have supportive people in my life who allow me to write full-time. In January, I’ll become a full time student and only be able to write part-time.
Cody: Who is your favorite author?
Michael: I have two. My favorite male author is Lemony Snicket, author of the A Series of Unfortunate Events series. My favorite female author is Laurell K. Hamilton – author of the Anita Blake series.
Cody: How many books have you written so far?
Michael: I have one published novel, The Descending Darkness, and I’ve written about one and a half others.
Cody: Tell us a little about your novel, The Descending Darkness.
Michael: The Descending Darkness is the story of a mysterious guy named Shadow and his attempt to save the world from a psychotic, yet fashionable, female demon. Imagine her as the offspring of The Joker (from batman) and Lady Gaga.
Cody: How long did it take you to complete The Descending Darkness? Did you write it freely or plan everything in advance?
Michael: It took me four years to finish. I knew exactly where I wanted to go with the story in the beginning, though my characters did lead me to a few unexpected places.
Cody: What inspired you to write The Descending Darkness?
Michael: I love all forms of entertainment that have teens with superpowers in them. In our world, most teenagers feel that they’re unimportant and unworthy in society. So when they’re given special powers and abilities, they are transformed and accept that they ARE unique, powerful, and have purpose. I think it’s amazing.
Cody: Who is your favorite character in the novel and why?
Michael: It’s always changing! But I’ll say Maedara. She was just too fun to write. She was also therapeutic to write in that I know quite a few people like her— though, they are not murderers!— who don’t see that their actions have consequences and they end up hurting everyone…and then wonder why people don’t like to be around them. If not Maedara, I’d have to say Cameryn because of what he’s endured, yet he still has the ability to let people into his heart again.
Cody: How much of yourself did you manifest into your favorite character?
Michael: Cameryn: a bit of what happened to him, happened to me. I wasn’t accepted for who I was and it hurt. While he has physical scars to document his abuse, I have emotional ones.
Cody: When someone reads The Descending Darkness, what do you hope they gain from reading it?
Michael: First, I want my readers to understand that it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re capable of extraordinary things, and never forget that. Second, I hope my readers smile. I want nothing more than to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. It is very fulfilling for me to know that if they have gained even an ounce of happiness, (I’m not exactly sure how you would measure happiness. Maybe with a ladle?), then I have written a good story.
Cody: Can you share four things you’ve learned about the business?
Michael: (1) Patience is everything. (2) You can never know enough. (3) You can’t trust everybody, but those you can are amazing. (4) Everyone stresses out.
Cody: What is the most frequently asked question by the fans?
Michael: What is Shadow’s motivation for being the hero he is? I just smile and/or wink. I want people to draw their own conclusions from the hints and writing. To learn exactly what is driving Shadow, stay tuned for the sequel!
Cody: What are you working on now?
Michael: I’m writing TDD2 and working on an adult novel, currently titled Red Rose.
Cody: How do you keep your creative "spark" alive?
Michael: I eat lots and lots of cheesecake.
Cody: What is your suggestion or piece of advice to new and upcoming writers?
Michael: Don’t give up.
Cody: Will you please share your favorite excerpt from The Descending Darkness with us?
Michael: Sure.
Exerpt from The Descending Darkness:
Over a hundred miles away, in Kreashe
La-Femme, a very expensive shoe store, a woman paced back and forth. She had
slightly below waist-length, wild red hair. Her eyes were cold and empty, their
color a mix between the sky and a sheet of ice. She pointed at a pair of red
high-heeled shoes, her three-inch nails toxic green. “So I totally decided,”
she said, “and I’ll take those!”
The salesman, who looked as though he didn’t want to be working, it
being early in the morning, walked over to her. He looked the woman
up and down, taking in her appearance, and frowned.
“Um, excuse me,” he said, trying not to be
rude. “Those shoes are over $6,000. Are
you sure you can afford them?”
The woman laughed. “Uh, duh,” she replied,
rolling her eyes. “I saw the tag; I know the price. I wouldn't have picked them
out if they weren’t that expensive. If it doesn’t cost almost as much as a car,
it doesn’t go on my feet.”
“I see,” he replied. He retrieved a step
stool and climbed up to get the shoes in question. “These?” “Yes!” she
exclaimed, almost giggling in glee. “Do you have them in my size? It’s nine.
I’m a small, delicate flower, you see.”
The man raised an eyebrow. “Of course, you
are. Wait one moment,” he said. He left to check the storage room.
“Lady Maedara?” a small creature called,
walking up to the woman’s side. It was a demon that looked like some sort of
spider. It had tiny red eyes and large fangs. It was also considerably short,
barely as tall as a six-year-old child. It was covered in soft black fur.
“What do you want, you idiot?!” Maedara asked sharply, clenching her
fists and sucking in her lip. “You know that I love my 'me' time,
Mezmir. It’s the only time I get to enjoy myself. And you know I don’t get
nearly as much of it as I’d like.”
Mezmir recoiled in fear. “Master, my
apologies!” he replied, taking a few steps back. “I only wish to tell you that
the Neseptra demon failed to acquire the Dragon’s Eye.”
“What?!” Maedara cried. Her eyes tinted
red, and the lights in the room began flickering. “I know you are not doing
this to me. No, you’re not, not right now. You are not interrupting my 'me'
time and delivering upsetting news, both at the same time… not this particular
moment. I can’t even deal with you right now. Tell me, are you suicidal?”
“Please, Master!”
Mezmir cried, bowing at her feet. “I didn’t… I…”
“I despise your mother, Mezmir,” she said coldly.
“I despise your mother, Mezmir,” she said coldly.
“M-my mother?”
“Yes, Mezmir, your mother. She gave birth
to you; therefore, by extension, she is the cause of all my suffering. It’s all
her fault, and I just want her dead.”
“Master, my mother is already dead. You
killed her yourself, remember?”
Maedara frowned. “Oh, isn’t that just
great. You’re motherless, and I’m unhappy. This world sucks.” “Master, don’t
upset yourself. I promise, this is only a minor setback. Your plans will not be
“You'd better be right, Mezmir. I’d hate
to litter the sidewalk with your insides.” She ran her hands down her long
black dress. “Now, stop your blathering and tell me how pretty I am.”
Mezmir blinked. “You’re the most beautiful
and gorgeous woman in all the land. The sun rises and sets just for you.”
Maedara smiled. “Oh, Mezmir, you know how
much I love your random compliments. They make me feel all tingly inside.”
Follow The Descending Darkness
Thursday, 3rd: Author Spotlight [Book Obsessed Chicks]
Friday, 4th: Main Character Q&A [Lavinia Urban]
Saturday, 5th: Let’s Talk: Young Adult Genre [Debbie Kupfer]
Sunday, 6th: Let’s Talk: Novel Setting [Jeni’s Bookshelf]
Friday, 4th: Main Character Q&A [Lavinia Urban]
Saturday, 5th: Let’s Talk: Young Adult Genre [Debbie Kupfer]
Sunday, 6th: Let’s Talk: Novel Setting [Jeni’s Bookshelf]
Monday, 7th: Into The Villain’s Mind [A Page Away]
Tuesday, 8th: Random Questions [The Reading Vixens]
Wednesday, 9th: Theme Discussion [The Novel Approach]
Thursday, 10th: Personal Interview 1 & Giveaway [Cody Kennedy]
Friday, 11th: Excerpt 1 & Review [The Page Princess]
Saturday, 12th: Let’s Talk: TDD Composition & Giveaway [Blissful Book Reviews]
Sunday, 13th: Let’s Talk: Writing History & Review [Angela’s Smexy Book Reviews]
Monday, 14th: Guest Post: Earliest Writing Memory [KBMiller Books]
Tuesday, 15th: Why Write TDD? [Short and Sweet Reviews]
Wednesday, 16th: Let’s Talk: Author Inspirations [Rinn Reads]
Thursday, 17th: TDD Dream Cast [Eclipse Reviews]
Friday, 18th: Personal Interview 2 [Charlotte Howard]
Saturday, 19th: Let's Talk: Childhood [Book Infatuation Reviews]
Sunday, 20th: Maedara Interview & Giveaway [A Page Away, Part 2]
Monday, 21st: Let’s Talk: Character Connection & Giveaway [Confessions of the Paranormal]
Tuesday, 22nd: Book Promo [Mrs Leifs]
Wednesday, 23rd: Let’s Talk: Love [Derinda Love]
Thursday, 24th: Characters: They Would/They Wouldn’t [My Seryniti]
Friday, 25th: Author Spotlight [Krystal Clear Book Reviews]
Saturday, 26th: Spotlight & 10 Random Facts About Michael [Jessi Jabbers]
Sunday, 27th: Promo & Personal Interview 3 [Shira Anthony]
Monday, 28th: Ten Facts About TDD [Lexi, Book Bliss]
Tuesday, 29th: Guest Post: Writing The Darkness Away [LovLivLife Reviews]
Wednesday, 30th: Let’s Talk: Toughest Scene [R.K. Ryals]
Thursday, 31st: Character Theme Songs & Halloween Giveaway [Strange Candy Reviews]
Tuesday, 8th: Random Questions [The Reading Vixens]
Wednesday, 9th: Theme Discussion [The Novel Approach]
Thursday, 10th: Personal Interview 1 & Giveaway [Cody Kennedy]
Friday, 11th: Excerpt 1 & Review [The Page Princess]
Saturday, 12th: Let’s Talk: TDD Composition & Giveaway [Blissful Book Reviews]
Sunday, 13th: Let’s Talk: Writing History & Review [Angela’s Smexy Book Reviews]
Monday, 14th: Guest Post: Earliest Writing Memory [KBMiller Books]
Tuesday, 15th: Why Write TDD? [Short and Sweet Reviews]
Wednesday, 16th: Let’s Talk: Author Inspirations [Rinn Reads]
Thursday, 17th: TDD Dream Cast [Eclipse Reviews]
Friday, 18th: Personal Interview 2 [Charlotte Howard]
Saturday, 19th: Let's Talk: Childhood [Book Infatuation Reviews]
Sunday, 20th: Maedara Interview & Giveaway [A Page Away, Part 2]
Monday, 21st: Let’s Talk: Character Connection & Giveaway [Confessions of the Paranormal]
Tuesday, 22nd: Book Promo [Mrs Leifs]
Wednesday, 23rd: Let’s Talk: Love [Derinda Love]
Thursday, 24th: Characters: They Would/They Wouldn’t [My Seryniti]
Friday, 25th: Author Spotlight [Krystal Clear Book Reviews]
Saturday, 26th: Spotlight & 10 Random Facts About Michael [Jessi Jabbers]
Sunday, 27th: Promo & Personal Interview 3 [Shira Anthony]
Monday, 28th: Ten Facts About TDD [Lexi, Book Bliss]
Tuesday, 29th: Guest Post: Writing The Darkness Away [LovLivLife Reviews]
Wednesday, 30th: Let’s Talk: Toughest Scene [R.K. Ryals]
Thursday, 31st: Character Theme Songs & Halloween Giveaway [Strange Candy Reviews]
About Michael:

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I had the privilege of meeting Michael at GRL. I liked him instantly and now I know why. We both have a passion for Lemony Snicket... and cheesecake. Great interview, Cody.
ReplyDeleteLOL Michael is a great guy and a good author, and to be published at the age of 21 is nothing short of amazing - an accomplishment of epic proportions. Thanks for dropping by, MLissaLou! It's great to see you here! Come back soon!