Hello everyone!
Before I begin, I would like to thank Cody for letting me post on his blog today. I’m sorry if anyone is offended that they have to listen to me, instead of Cody. I’ll try to keep this painless before returning you safely to Cody.
Cody: Isn't she cute? Hey, Sophie? Chances are they're pretty tired of hearing from me right now. Rock On!
So who here has ever felt like they didn’t belong? Come on, raise your hand. Are you doing it? Good. Wow, that’s a lot of people. And for those of you who were wondering, yes, my hand was raised too.
I had a really hard time connecting to people when I was in school. No one was ever mean to me outright, which I am still thankful for, but no one was really nice to me either. I never had a group of friends that I could sit with or talk with. I never really hung out with a specific group of friends or had people to go out with at the end of the day. (In the interest of complete disclosure, I was homeschooled. But homeschoolers are very social creatures and participate in a variety of things. So my experiences are as real as someone who went to traditional school.)
There are always conversations about bullying and for good reason. It is an important topic that hasn’t been addressed enough in recent years. But what no one ever talks about is the fact that many kids feel like they don’t belong. Some people will say that it’s just part of growing up. I don’t agree. Everyone needs to feel like they belong. Everyone should have someone they can talk too. Not having that kind of support system can lead to bigger problems, like becoming a bully or a victim of bullying, self-harm and even suicide.

Now I know that some of you may have problems waiting until the good part of your life. But you should know that there are lots of things you can do now to feel less alone. The Internet is a wonderful thing. Find some people to talk to. If you are looking for a place to start, why not try the Goodreads YA LGBT Books group? Know that you can also contact me directly using my e-mail sophiebonaste@gmail.com. There are lots of us out there who understand what it feels like to be alone. Maybe if we all reached out a little more, no one would have to feel that anymore.
Okay, so that’s my story. For those of you who don’t understand why I talked about all of that, here it is. My debut novel “The Sacrifices We Make” is now available from Harmony Ink Press. You can buy it in ebook here or in paperback here.
Adam Jameson has always felt like an outsider in his own home, where his parents’ constant efforts to instill religious fervor have instead filled him with fear. Most of the time, he just wants to stay out of everybody’s way. But when Adam is forced to volunteer at a homeless shelter his senior year in high school, everything changes. He’s introduced to people who care about more than religion and, as a result, he starts to come out of his shell. For the first time in his life, Adam finds people that he wants to be around.
Mickey Stafford lives on the streets, a teen kicked out by his parents for being gay. He comes to the shelter for food and medical care, and after they literally run into each other, the two boys strike up a friendship. As Mickey introduces his new friend to the world he lives in, Adam starts to question everything: his parents, their religion, even his own beliefs . Once Mickey kisses him, Adam starts soul-searching and finds his heart, which is full of love for Mickey. But these two young men will have their love put to the test, as they face a future of uncertainty and fear.
And if you are still reading, here is an excerpt that will explain why I wrote the post I did.
“YOU are going to come and help me at the church
tomorrow afternoon, aren’t you, Adam?”
Adam Matthew Jameson swallowed the steak in his
mouth and looked at his mother from across the dining room table. Margaret
Jameson was a beautiful woman for her age. She was very thin and her features
very delicate; her skin was pale, as if she did not spend much time in the sun.
Today, her shiny blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and she was
wearing a blue floral-print dress that brought out the color in her eyes. “I am
sorry, Mother, but I will not be able to help. Tomorrow is the day I start work
at the homeless shelter across town. I will be home for dinner at five thirty,
but I will be volunteering prior to that.”
“Oh, I was hoping you would be able to help me,”
his mother said with disappointment. “The tables we use for Bible study are so
very heavy.”
“Margaret, leave the boy alone. He is doing the
Lord’s work by helping at that shelter. I am sure Adam would be happy to help
you set up the tables after dinner. We can just leave a little early for Bible
Study and do it then. If you have everything else set up beforehand, it should
not take long.”
“Yes, Matthew. I suppose you are right. As
“Of course,” Matthew Jameson replied, as if it
were the most obvious thing in the world. He shot his wife a look that could
only be called a warning before turning his attention to his youngest child.
“Now, Elisabeth, why don’t you tell us how your
day at school was?”
Adam, thrilled that the heat was now off him,
refocused on his dinner. He loved his family, but somehow the nightly dinners
always seemed like another cold war, everyone holding their breath, waiting for
something or, in this case, someone, to blow up. Matthew was an imposing figure
in many ways. At six foot three and tipping the scale at two hundred and fifty
pounds, he was built more like a linebacker than an accountant. But what always
put the Jameson family on edge was his personality. His father was quick to anger,
brown eyes capable of igniting in rage in seconds. Adam had learned early on to
avoid confrontation with his father and was usually successful, but there was
something about him that sent chills down Adam’s spine.
“Father, did you hear there is a chance that
Abigail Mallory is pregnant? The whole school is talking about it,” Elisabeth
“I certainly hope that is not true. I am friends
with Abigail’s father. He is a good man, and he has raised his family the right
way. If it is true that Abigail has sinned so egregiously against the Lord’s
wishes, then it will bring great shame to his entire family. And I certainly
hope that you were not one of these children gossiping about the wayward
children in your school.”
“No, Father. I just thought you would want to
know because I know you are acquainted with Mr. Mallory.”
“Good. Now is everyone finished?” the patriarch
asked. Getting the three affirmative answers he was looking for, Matthew
announced they would now be having their after-dinner prayer. Adam clasped
hands with his parents and looked at his sister doing the same, the Jameson
family forming a circle. Adam listened to the prayer, eyes closed and head
bowed, adding in his own silent prayer, thanking the Lord for helping him get
through yet another family dinner.
After the prayer had concluded, Adam and
Elisabeth cleared and straightened up the table while their mother washed
dishes. Matthew retreated to his office, refusing to take part in such
domesticity. Between the three family members, it only took twenty minutes to
clean everything up, and Adam was free to escape to his own sanctuary.
Adam walked through the spacious living room,
shoes clacking on the hardwood floors. He never really liked hanging out in the
living room. It always felt more like a museum than a place to hang out. The
plain white couch and matching wing chairs were as unblemished as the day they
were bought. All the wooden furniture in the room was the same shade, from the
bookshelves that flanked the front window, to the end tables next to the couch
and between the chairs. Everything was in order as he climbed the stairs,
glancing at all the family portraits that lined the staircase walls. He quickly
walked down the hallway past the bathroom and his parent’s room, just in case his
father had come out of his downstairs office without him hearing. Seeing his
father again was the last thing Adam wanted, even though he had no real
justification for feeling that way. Finally, he reached the white door at the
very end of the hall and, with an audible sigh of relief, slipped inside.
For as long as he could remember, Adam’s room
was his sanctuary. There was no other way to describe it. It was the only place
in the entire world Adam felt he could be himself. Of course, he had to keep
the place neat, and he was not allowed to have many things that could be found
in a normal teenager’s room, like posters of hot women, a television, or even
sports equipment. As Adam looked around his room, he was reminded that he
didn’t really have much at all. His twin-sized bed was in the middle of the
room, neatly made with a light-blue duvet, a small brown nightstand by the head
of the bed. His desk was on the opposite wall, his laptop closed in the middle
and a stack of schoolbooks on the side. A simple set of drawers that matched
the nightstand held most of his clothes, with everything else behind the white,
sliding closet door. There was no personality in his room. It could have
belonged to anyone. Even the brown bookshelf under the window did not have any
unique books on its shelves, just the classics and many books on the Christian
faith that had been approved by their church.
Adam leaned against the door, trying to let the
tension of the day seep out of him. He started to unbutton the simple, green, button-up
shirt he had worn to dinner. His father always required them to wear
business-casual attire to dinner. He said it was important to look nice as a
sign of respect to those around you. Adam did not think it was necessary. They
were a family, and they loved each other. That should have circumvented the
need to show respect in that manner, right? But Adam would never dare to cross
his father. Though he would never admit it aloud, Adam was terrified of the
man. The few times he had seen his father really mad, he had been afraid he
would be witness to serious violence. Matthew Jameson had some very intense
views on life, and when something around him clashed with those beliefs, he had
a tendency to get very angry, very fast. Adam had been very lucky to avoid that
rage so far, but he had been witness to it in the past. Especially after what
his father had done to John….
Don’t go there, Adam thought fiercely. It is not going to end up like it did with John. I am not going to get
kicked out like my brother.
Pushing thoughts of the worst day of his life
out of his head, Adam started to change out of his dinner attire. Adam stared
at himself in the mirror after he finished getting his clothes off. He really
needed to start working out. He was nothing but skin and bones, having no
muscle to speak of. He ate like any normal teenage boy, which was a lot, but no
matter how much he ate, he never seemed to gain any weight or muscle. His
mother once told him that he was just a late bloomer, but he was starting to
doubt he would ever have the physique he dreamed of. Sighing, Adam pushed his
blond hair away from his green eyes and got some clothes out of his closet.
Pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a plain
brown T-shirt, Adam started to think about how to spend his evening. Every
night he went up to his room on the pretext that he had homework to do. The
thing was, he very rarely had any homework to do because he was a bright kid
and finished all his schoolwork quickly, so quickly that he always finished the
majority of it in homeroom. He rarely had to do more than an hour or two of
work at home in a week of school. The rest of the time, he just hid in his
room, doing various tasks and trying to stay out of trouble. It might have
seemed like a prison sentence to many, but it was normal to Adam. He had always
lived his life like this, and he did not know any other way.
Deciding that tonight was a good night to
sketch, he went to his closet and located the black wooden box he kept in the
back corner. Adam was not too afraid that his father would care about him
drawing, but he was not going to take the chance of his father’s dislike of the
hobby. Things Matthew Jameson did not like tended to disappear out of their
house quite quickly. Art had been a hobby of his since he was a child. He was
completely self-taught, but he thought his art had come a long way, and he was
quite proud of the works he was producing now. Adam opened his sketchbook to
his most recent piece, and then took up his pencil and started work.
Most of Adam’s scenes were quite simple, just
snapshots from real life. People going to get coffee, stuck in traffic, kids
running for the school bus, and other things he saw around the city he called
home in northern Alabama
were all fair game for sketching. Currently, he was working on a picture from
the last time he went food shopping with his mother. When they had their cart
filled and were in the checkout line, he saw a group of six kids hanging out in
the line next to theirs, laughing about something. They all looked so happy. A
few even looked like they might be together romantically. A piece of Adam
longed for such normalcy. Adam knew the life he led could not be considered
normal, with his father’s conservative and religious stranglehold on his
family. Adam was normally content with his life, but in that moment he wished
for more. So he started drawing, pouring his emotions on the paper.
Adam had always wanted a group of friends like
that. The harsh reality was that Adam never really felt like he belonged,
neither in his house nor with his peers. He never agreed with the ways of his
parents. He thought men and women were equal and no man should force his wife
to do anything. He also did not agree with all the religious fervor that swept
through his community. Everyone was always “God this” and “God that.” Sure, he
believed in God, but something in his gut told him that the way the people
around him were acting was not the will of God. The problem was that it wasn’t
just his family who acted liked that, but everyone in his school and his
church. However, because Adam could not bring himself to swallow all their
beliefs, he never formed a real connection with anyone around him.
Not that Adam would ever in a million years
question anything. Questions were always met with answers full of emotion and
passion but not always logic. “They” were always right. People who questioned
things were always scorned and put through some sort of rehabilitation. Adam,
for all his disapproval, knew it was better to just sit down and shut up. But
that didn’t stop his heart from wanting real friends like in the picture he was
He had been working for some time when he heard
a knock. Adam’s head snapped up, terrified his father might be at the door. He
quickly shut the book and then shoved his sketchbook and pencils under his bed
before racing to the door, trying to look as normal as possible when he opened
“Good evening, Elisabeth. What brings you to my
door so late?”
“You are late for evening devotions. Father sent
me to fetch you.”
Adam spun around and looked at the clock. It was
true. Evening devotions in the Jameson house was at nine every night. The
digital clock read 9:12. “Oh, I guess I am.”
“Father is quite upset.”
“Let me just grab my Bible, and I will be down
“All right, just hurry up. And you might want to
change real quick too,” Elisabeth added before turning around and heading
downstairs, long brown hair bouncing down the back of her light-pink dress with
every step. Adam stripped off his sweatpants and put on a pair of old khaki
pants before grabbing his Bible and running down the hall. He was so dead!
Slowing himself to a walk, Adam walked into the
family’s Bible study room, trying to look as calm as possible. Running and
doing other ungentlemanly things would only add to his father’s problems.
“Father. Please forgive my tardiness. I got
caught up in my work.”
“I certainly hope you are sorry. Nothing should
be more important than the time that we devote to our creator. We will deal
with your infraction later. For now sit down, and we will get started.”
Adam tried to focus on the session his father
was leading, but he just couldn’t concentrate this evening. His mind kept
wandering back to the picture he was working on and the emotional response it
created in him. This was not the first time he had felt a void his life, but it
was the first time he felt such unrest. It was like those teenagers and the
bond they had was the only thing he could think of.
Soon enough, his father wrapped up the devotion,
though Adam could not remember anything he’d discussed. Thankfully, Adam’s
father did not seem to want to deal with his wayward son that evening and sent
him off to bed with little more than a warning not to be late again. Not
wanting to push his luck, Adam ran off to the safety of his room and started to
get ready for bed.
That night, lying in the darkness, Adam tried to
think about what it would be like to have friends; real friends, not just peers
he could hold a casual conversation with. What he would give to be able to have
someone he could actually share his feelings with, without worrying about being
Little did he know that friendship was right around
the corner.
So I hope you enjoyed that! Once again I want to thank Cody for hosting me. And since you were all wonderful readers, I want to invite you to my blog at http://sophiebonaste.blogspot.com and enter this week’s giveaway for a chance to win a free e-copy of “The Sacrifices We Make”. Until next time everyone!
About Sophie
Sophie Bonaste is a novelist who never set out to be a novelist. As a child, she wanted to be a Broadway actress and spent her childhood in numerous productions. But when adulthood set in and reality took over, Sophie chose to up the theater for a steady paycheck and instead turned to writing as a creative outlet. She stumbled into the M/M genre through fanfiction and never looked back. Sophie is quite happy with her change in artistic expression and doesn’t plan to stop writing for a long time.
A self-proclaimed nerd, Sophie is an avid fan of all things Star Wars and Harry Potter. (Sophie is a member of the Slytherin house, for those who were wondering.) Sophie also spends many hours watching and re-watching nerdy television shows. When she is not obsessing over the latest and greatest in nerdy entertainment, Sophie can be found screaming at her television during American football games. (Go Pack Go!) Sophie currently lives in Pennsylvania, about twenty minutes from her childhood town of The Middle of Nowhere.
Sophie loves to hear from readers!
You can reach her by e-mail at sophiebonaste@gmail.com, on Twitter at https://twitter.com/SophieBonaste, or on Facebook as Sophie Bonaste. You can also check out updates on Sophie’s writing and other musings on her website at http://sophiebonaste.blogspot.com.
Sophie, it was good to meet you. I wasn't at all offended that you posted instead of Cody. I can talk to him any time! The Sacrifices We Make sounds really good. I just put it on my wish list! Thanks for stopping by. I wish you nothing but the best with your first book!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed the post.